Starts 01/09/2023 (Monday)
Ends 01/13/2023 (Friday) Central Standard Time
Duration 5d
Repeats Recur every 1 week(s) on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday until 01/27/2023 00:00:00.
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Join the NTX's biggest rowing team for a FREE 1-Week trial! Meet new friends, and FIND YOUR SPORT!
Take advantage of this mid-year opportunity to learn to row. All of the "hands on" experience of DUC's popular summer camps at no cost. Open to any 8th grade or high school student who is considering rowing as their Spring 2023 sport. Water and land based training will focus on teaching the basics of rowing technique, handling equipment and cardio/weight bearing exercise fundamental to becoming a skilled oarsman.
No experience is necessary! Rowing is a sport learned in adolescence. On average, collegiate rowers started the sport at age 14. Now is the time to start, so learn with the best at DUC.
Who:? Boys and girls in grades 8-12
What?: Two hour rowing training sessions over five consecutive days
When?: Monday-Friday, 5-7 PM. Choose to Start 1/9/23, 1/16/23 or 1/23/23
Where?: DUC Boathouse, 417 East Lawther Drive, Dallas, X 75218
Visit to learn more and be sure to check us out on Instagram @DallasUnitedCrew to see how rowing OPENS COLLEGE DOORS.
Questions?: Email