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At Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), you may hear the expression, "don't leave your brains at the door." Senior Co-Pastor Dr. Debbie Chisolm is referring to the idea that church is not only a sanctuary and place of worship, but an institution of learning, where one can continue with his or her education throughout life.


Starting this past Sunday morning, Central began a sequence of classes featuring a guest teacher. Bob Troyer was the first speaker featured in this series. .


Troyer is a Nuclear Physicist and a graduate of PurdueUniversity with a Masters degree in the science.  Upon graduation from Purdue, he taught for six years on the college level.


He is a member and an elder of the First Christian Church of Lewisville, Texas.  However Troyer grew up a devout Mennonite living among the 2nd largest Amish community in the world. (Iowa, Indiana and Pennsylvania are the greatest Amish populated areas in the United States.)


Troyer began the series of lessons with a personal perspective of the Amish faith and community.


Dressed in authentic Amish attire— a straight coat, pants with no zipper, suspenders and a hat, (though not felt as would be worn to church but straw as would be worn in the field of work) Troyer shared the history and customs of this mysterious and often misunderstood society.  Troyer also sported a beard— a must for married men of the Amish faith.   


“Amish church services are held every other Sunday,” Troyer said.  “And they are held in homes rather than a church building,” he added.  Since modern communications is limited within the community (no email blasts) a horse and wagon stationed in front of the host home indicates where the service will be held. 


The Amish practice a different lifestyle than normally seen today  They remain separate from the world, are gentle and pacifistic, quiet and are free from modern conveniences.


Most of us have been in public areas— restaurants, waiting rooms, (manicure salons are my pet peeve) where we have wished that cell phones were outlawed.   A “wish come true” if you were in the Amish community! Cell phones can be used, but only for business and to communicate with the superiors in the work force.   


The Bishop makes the rules so they may fluctuate from community to community.


Troyer said that several TV shows have made an attempt to portray the Amish society but he believes that the show, “The Witness” with Harrison Ford and Kelly Gillis is the most realistic portrayal and he suggested that people who are interested in a greater understanding of the Amish lifestyle watch the show.


Next Sunday Troyer begins Genesis 1 – 11.  Come and hear as he talks about the creation. 


Central Christian Church is located at 4711 Westside Dr. just off Mockingbird Lane.

It is a church that reaches out to the community through its many charitable and outreach programs.   The church is home to Connecting Point of Park Cities, a day habilitation program for adults with disabilities, Dallas Summer Musical Academy Workshop and a community dog park that is open to the public.


The Sunday lecture series is at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings in Fellowship Hall and it is free and open to the public.  Worship is at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary.  All are welcome.











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