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The Book Trotters met Monday evening at Times Ten Cellar in Lakewood where they discussed the month’s book selection, “On Writing- A Memoir of the Craft” by Stephen King.


In the book King recalls his boyhood fascination with supernatural films, his first attempts at writing, early years of marriage and parenthood and his progression into alcoholism.  


In that respect the book is a memoir.  However, King also discusses the craft of writing.


Some advice King gives to writers is not using unnecessary words to fill a page and to go easy on the adverbs.  “Don’t use them to impress the reader with your knowledge of the language,” he cautions.


The evening’s discussion included King’s novels, his relationship with his mother and his long –time marriage to author and activist, Tabitha King.


Hostess Mary Kay Henley gave each member of the book club a paper and pen favor to encourage writing.


In honor of Maine, King’s home, the Book Trotters enjoyed lobster spread, New England clam dip, blueberry galette and chocolate covered raisins—King’s favorite movie watching snack.


See you next month at the OK Corral.



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