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Julie German Do and Mary Kay Henley

The Book Trotters, a Lakewood book club, met at Times Ten Cellar Monday evening to discuss this month’s selection, “The Rosie Effect” by Graeme Simsion. 

The novel is the highly anticipated sequel to “The Rosie Project” —the book that Bill Gates gave to at least 50 of his friends. 

In the sequel, Professor Don Tillman, who lives with Aspergers Disorder, is coping with both married life and a move to New York City when faced with a new surprise—a baby on the way! 

One of the symptoms of Aspergers Syndrome is excessive attachment to routines, but when the loving newlyweds moved to the city, Don was willing to make a few adjustments to his structured lifestyle. But nothing could have prepared him for the arrival of Bud (baby under development). Soon Rosie is overwhelmed by Don’s overzealous research and retreats into her thesis studies. Can this marriage be saved? 

As this month’s hostess, member Mary Kay Henley chose the book and led the discussion. Mary Kay had prepared questions based on the mantra “Make ’em laugh. Make ’em cry. Make ’em think,” which resulted in lively conversation. 

In addition to enjoying wine from Times Ten, the group was treated to pizza from the Greenville Avenue Pizza Company by Mary Kay and beautifully presented chocolate cake balls made by Mary Kay’s granddaughter, Jennifer Pearson. 

Sharing good food, good wine and good friends the Book Trotters had a great evening and look forward to meeting in March.

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