Karla Wigley – Guest Contributor
Mar 19 2018
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As a part of the seventh grade curriculum in history and religion at St. John’s Episcopal School, students learn about the three major monotheistic faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They study not only the similarities and differences of their basic beliefs, but also their cultural and historical impact on the world. This is a long-standing tradition and learning opportunity at St. John’s.

During the unit, students and teachers spent time in the St. John’s sanctuary, discussing the symbolism in our own worship space. Students were challenged to think about how that symbolism might play out in other faith traditions.

Then, believing students learn best from first-hand experiences, the school chaplain and world history teacher escorted them on a full-day excursion stopping at an Eastern Orthodox church, Jewish synagogue, and the Islamic Association of North Texas (IANT) in Richardson, which houses both a mosque and a school.

A few of the highlights included the opportunity to light a candle and say a prayer at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church. One student commented, “I never knew a church could be as detailed and beautiful as yours.” They were fascinated with the intricate and symbolic designs, which contained icons and hidden messages in the art.

Others were impressed with the 250-year-old Torah found at Temple Emanu El. It was painstakingly written by hand and is as long as a football field.

The peer interaction at IANT Quranic Academy was a meaningful part of the day. In a note of appreciation, one St. John’s student said that it was “interesting to interact with all of your students and meet new friends. It gave us a whole new perspective, and I hope our schools can do something else together so we can see each other again.”

While each student came away with a different perspective, they all learned that there are many ways in which different people express their faith. All in attendance were moved by the experience.

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