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Three middle school teams represented St. John’s Episcopal School in the SIFMA Foundation’s North Texas session of the Stock Market Game. The eighth grade team placed second in the middle school division, and one of the seventh grade teams placed fourth.

At various times during the contest, which lasted nine weeks, our eighth grade team was outperforming most high schools. All three teams were at the number one spot at one time or another. The teams’ standing in the contest fluctuated, just at the stock market.

According to the official press release from SIFMA Foundation in which the North Texas winners were announced, “Dallas students are showing the world just how much they know about business, the global economy, and investing by creating top performing portfolios.”

Sixth grade math teacher and faculty sponsor for the contest David Laffiteau said, “I am so proud of these students. They learned a lot about economics and investments. They were enthusiastic, dedicated and willing to take chances. I look forward to leading students in the Stock Market Game in the future.”

About the Stock Market Game
The Stock Market Game curricula, lessons, and hands-on student activities combine content knowledge, critical thinking, research and analytical skills in a state-of-the-art, real world, online simulation. It provides teachers with curriculum that reinforces teaching standards, STEM requirements, and 21st century skills, while helping students learn the fundamentals of long-term savings and investing. Students enhance their knowledge in core curriculum subjects including math, language arts, and social studies, and they develop life skills such as financial preparedness, teamwork and business knowledge.

About St. John’s Episcopal School
St. John’s Episcopal School is a pre-k through eighth grade co-educational school in East Dallas. Created as an outreach of St. John’s Episcopal Church in 1953, St. John’s is the oldest Episcopal school in Dallas and remains committed to the five tenets of an Episcopal education:

  • Academic excellence
  • Corporate worship (Episcopal/Christian chapel)
  • Religious studies based on basic biblical content
  • Meaningful and integrated community service and service learning projects
  • An inclusive community where the dignity of every human being is respected