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St. John’s Episcopal School students are leading by example and living into the school’s “Picture of a Graduate.” Organized by the Student Council, Friday concluded an all-school effort to help the men, women and children impacted by Hurricane Harvey. In addition to collecting supplies, the initial goal was to raise at least $1,000 in cash and then match up to $1,000 with existing Student Council funds. But due to the generosity of the St. John’s community and the hard work of the students, after two weeks the cash total exceeded an amazing $11,400.

Student representatives hosted a table to collect monetary donations during open house events; more than 500 pounds of desperately-needed material goods were accepted; donated clean-up supplies were delivered by a parent volunteer to Houston; individual students hosted fundraisers like lemonade stands on the weekends; and the school offered students and faculty a “free dress day” in exchange for a $5 donation.

Student Council sponsor and middle school teacher Tony Adler said, “From the oldest students leading the effort – to the early childhood students who brought personal items to donate – this truly was a school-wide outpouring of love and support.” One young student brought an envelope of money with a message: “This is for children and moms and dads to get new toys, food and other stuff they need.”

All collections were given to disaster relief organization, Trusted World, which has partnered with Dallas County to support the Houston-area residents who evacuated to Dallas.

In reaction to the announcement of the total, Head of School Mark Crotty said he is “so very proud of our students and families. It perfectly captures our emphasis on service and gratitude.”

About St. John’s Episcopal School
St. John’s Episcopal School is a pre-k through eighth grade co-educational school focused on an enjoyable, challenging, multi-faceted education. Serving 500 students, the 10-acre campus is located in East Dallas by White Rock Lake. St. John’s is the oldest Episcopal school in Dallas created in 1953 as an outreach program by St. John’s Episcopal Church. Accredited by both the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS) and the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools (SAES), the curriculum is responsive to the need of students. It is shaped by research, experience and successful educational practices, providing a modern education within the tradition of Episcopal schools. The approach fosters timeless human values and builds awareness of the larger world, challenging students to understand their potential impact. St. John’s students are prepared successfully to navigate the challenges of a demanding secondary education and to thrive along the path of lifelong learning.