
If your life has become a routine of having to miss school or work because of extreme cramping and bleeding, you are likely looking for some answers. An exam from your OB/GYN physician might give you the diagnosis of endometriosis.

What is endometriosis?

When tissues that would normally be found in the lining of the uterus start to grow outside of the uterus, this condition is called endometriosis. No one knows why the tissue changes location. What we do know is, just because it’s not in the right place doesn’t mean it stops its monthly cycle. When hormones dictate a swelling of the tissues in the uterus, the tissues outside of the uterus respond in the same way.

When pregnancy doesn’t occur and the tissues start to slough off into your monthly period, then the tissues outside the uterus try to as well. The problem occurs at this point, because there is no outlet for the excess blood flow for the abnormal tissue. The tissues then become irritated and painful.

What can be done?

Many people have mild cases of endometriosis and are able to control it with birth control pills, hormone therapy, or just ibuprofen. But for those with severe cases, where your quality of life is greatly impacted, it might be time to consider something more targeted.

At Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake, we offer an alternative. If your physician thinks surgery is needed in your case, our advanced technology da Vinci Surgical System® could be the right choice for you. By using this robotic-assisted surgical system, your surgeon would be able to make a tiny incision and use the robot to remove the endometriosis tissue or the ovaries and uterus, if your case is extreme.

This minimally-invasive surgical system offers the potential of a surgery that disrupts less surrounding tissue, has less bleeding, shorter surgical time, less pain and significantly shorter recovery time than standard surgeries.

A minimally invasive choice

As the da Vinci Surgical System® becomes more widespread, its popularity is increasing. Many women are discovering the benefits of minimally-invasive surgical options for their common health concerns.

Ask your physician if you would be a good candidate for a robotic-assisted surgery to work towards alleviating your endometriosis symptoms and restoring your quality of life.

Call Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake for more information about our advanced surgical procedures at 866-764-3627 or visit us at Let us help you get back to living your life to the fullest.

Photo credit: Stockbyte/Thinkstock

Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake

9400 Poppy Drive
Dallas, TX 75218


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