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Summer Camp at Studio Bella for Kids is like no other summer camp in Dallas- We focus on surprises, fearless creativity, and fun traditions!

Studio Bella originated in a big backyard in East Dallas and has grown by leaps and bounds. We host a fabulous and well-loved summer camp that focuses on the whole child- friendships, creativity, problem-solving, teamwork, confidence building, and more.  Our STEAM-based studio holds 3-4 summer camp sessions in our East Dallas studio. Each camp session is 2-3 weeks long and gives campers time to establish new friendships, let their creativity soar, and truly become comfortable in their surroundings.

Surprise? What surprise?! The theme of the week is never revealed until camp begins. Thanks to our fabulous curriculum designers, each week is unique and does not disappoint. With a drum roll, the theme is dropped, and the creativity starts. Other surprises include the treat of the week (awarded through friendly competition) and the Friday Fun Activity (there are no two Fridays alike).

Fearless Creativity
The fearless creativity is 15 years strong! We hammer, paint, hot glue, sculpt, sew, build circuits, conduct experiments, and invent. Through challenges, collaboration, imagination, and fun, Studio Bella campers have built cities with over 60 buildings, created 4th of July mini motorized parade floats, and participated in the Studio Bella Olympics in East Dallas.

We have A LOT of fun traditions. Our traditions at Studio Bella create memorable experiences for every camper. Tie-dying is a favorite. There are many more traditions that campers love—too many to list.

If you think Studio Bella summer camp is a good fit for your camper, we invite you to visit our website:  There are four sessions in 2024, with the first session beginning after Memorial Day and running through August 2. We serve a complimentary breakfast and lunch. The fun (both summer and school year) can be found on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
We can't wait to see new and familiar faces this summer!

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