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The holidays are quickly approaching and people are starting to look for that perfect gift for their special someone. You might love to give experiential gifts like a hot air balloon ride over Texas or a trip to the Dallas Arboretum, but if you are looking for something long lasting, you might consider a custom family portrait. Local Lakewood artist, Shannon Kincaid, can create one-of-a-kind commissioned paintings featuring family members, memorable scenery or special events.

Kincaid’s paintings commemorate special moments in time like birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, dance recitals or any other special person or event. You could even take your annual Christmas card and memorialize it as a painting like Kincaid has done in her home dining room (below). 

Paintings can be created in oil, pastel or watercolor. Paintings start at $75 for a 5x7 watercolor and can go up to any size. Click here to see some of her commissioned paintings.

Be sure to plan ahead with custom artwork as Kincaid needs a month to create a commissioned piece. 

To learn more, visit Shannon’s website at or her Facebook page at