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Disciple Women Enjoy Life At The Table


The Disciples Women concluded the series of lessons: “The Table and Beyond: Lavish Hospitality in the Bible” at their March meeting with guest speaker Chef Sandra Lewis and “Life at the Table.”   

During her hands-on cooking program, “The Kitchen Academy” Sandra teaches busy families how to get wholesome, delicious meals on the table with simple ingredients and basic cooking skills because she believes that community at the tables is one of life’s greatest gifts.

At Tuesday's meeting,  Sandra recalled growing up with Mom’s dinner table being a daily blessing in her life. When her own two daughters were little girls, Sandra continued the tradition of driving “past,” not “through,” the fast food lane to a home-cooked meal and family conversation. 

Following the program, the Disciples Women gathered in fellowship hall at whimsical tables set with bunnies and a charming collection of egg cups.  The table setting, a “signature” of Central member Rosemary Davenport, brought smiles of appreciation from the ladies.  It is no wonder that Rosemary’s home and holiday place settings have been featured in magazines like “Dallas Home Design” and “Romantic Homes.”   

The women enjoyed a luncheon of chicken pot pie, jello molded salad and coconut cake also prepared by Rosemary. 

All are invited to our table at Central Christian Church.  You do not have to be a member of the church to attend the monthly Disciples Women meetings.  Contact the church office for information. 

Additionally, Sandra will be teaching several classes at Central’s kitchen.  To register or to learn more about the academy visit Life At The Table on-line. 

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