
If you’re like many women, you’re probably so busy working, running errands, cleaning the house, and taking care of your family that you sometimes don’t make time for yourself. Relaxing with a cup of tea, unwinding with a good book, or going to a movie with a friend are all ways you can do something for yourself. You also can take care of yourself by having your annual screening mammogram.

During spring break would be a good time to schedule your annual screening mammogram before going to the lake for a few days or heading out for a fun family mini-vacation. Screening mammograms don’t take much time and only need to be done once a year for women over the age of 40, as recommended by the American Cancer Society.

At Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake, women over the age of 40 can schedule their own screening mammogram without a referral from their primary care physician. The hospital is a Certified Softer Mammogram Provider that uses the MammoPad®, a soft foam cushion that decreases overall discomfort and is designed to provide a softer, more comfortable mammogram. Convenient evening and weekend hours are available for appointments by calling 214-324-6220.

To learn more about screening mammograms and other recommended health exams, Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake is offering a free Women’s Health Tests & Screenings slideguide. This handy pocket guide also describes symptoms and treatments for a variety of conditions, and lists the latest American Cancer Society guidelines. Call 866-764-3627 for your free copy today.

Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake
9400 Poppy Drive
Dallas, TX 75218
214 324-6100

MammoPad is a registered trademark of Hologic, Inc.


There is truth to the old adage, “prevention is the best medicine.” You can avoid sunburn by putting on sunscreen. You can thwart the spread of the flu by washing your hands. And you can help prevent heart disease by committing to a heart-healthy lifestyle and keeping certain heart numbers in control before they get too high.

“Elevated cholesterol can increase your risk for not only heart disease, but also other cardiovascular problems,” says Melbert (Bob) Hillert, Jr., M.D., cardiology medical director at Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake. “A simple blood test can tell you if your total cholesterol is less than 200 mg/dL, or milligrams of cholesterol per deciliter of blood, which is desirable. If that number is over 240 mg/dL, you have high cholesterol.”

High blood pressure can put you at risk for having a heart attack or stroke. Blood pressure measures the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries (systolic or top number) and when the heart rests between beats (diastolic or bottom number). Normal blood pressure is less than 120/80 mmHg; measurements consistently 140/90 mmHg or higher is considered high blood pressure.

Excess fat in the abdominal area can increase health risks even more than fat located elsewhere on the body. In general, a waist circumference of greater than 40 inches for men or 35 inches for women is considered an indicator for increased risk of obesity-related conditions, including heart disease.

To learn more about heart disease and your risk factors for high blood pressure, visit the free, online health library on the Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake website and take the Blood Pressure Quiz at

Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake
214 324-6100


Going to the gym should be something you enjoy doing. It’s a time to relax, work away the stresses of the day, and improve your health. With the weather this time of year alternating between cold and wet, and wet and cold, the gym also is the perfect place to go to help maintain your New Year’s resolution to exercise.

“Going to the gym is a great way to get or stay in shape,” says Terry Gemas, M.D., orthopaedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine on the medical staff at Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake. “But you don’t want to get hurt or burned out. Mistakes could cause injuries that may sideline you indefinitely.”

Dr. Gemas offers the following tips to help avoid mistakes at the gym and make the time you spend there more productive with better results.

  • Don’t skip a workout just because you don’t have an hour to exercise. Any amount of physical activity is good, even a brisk 10-minute walk.
  • Train all the major muscle groups and include cardiovascular activities, strength training, and flexibility exercises in your routine.
  • Be sure to use the proper form and wear the right kind of shoes for your chosen workout.
  • Vary your routine to avoid boredom, repetitive stress injuries, or burnout.
  • Remember to warm up and warm down during your workout.
  •  Set realistic goals that are specific and appropriate so you can gradually improve your fitness level.

To help reduce the risk of injury that can happen to anyone, Dr. Gemas advises athletes of all levels not to exercise when tired or in pain, eat a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, and practice safety measures to prevent falls. For more information about common sprains and strains, take the free, online Sprains and Strains Quiz at

Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake
Dallas, TX 75218