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As a part of the Dallas Arboretum’s The Artistry of the Nativity exhibit, Broadway star George Dvorsky’s extensive collection of 300 crèches from around the world have been showcased in the elegant library of the historic DeGolyer House among the lavish holiday décor and design. Dvorsky will return for a meet and greet on Sunday, January 3 at 2 p.m. on the last day of the collection’s exhibit.


Having a long list of Broadway appearances and star roles, Dvorsky has performed with symphonies all over the world, allowing him to expand his collection of nativities from many of the places he has traveled.


“As a child, I was fascinated by the true Christmas story and the purity and beauty that it promised every year,” Dvorsky said. “My dream now is to share them all by displaying them in museums or other appropriate settings so that everyone can discover what I did as a child – the true meaning of Christmas.”


Also on display throughout the DeGolyer House are the many other crèches that make up The Artistry of the Nativity exhibition with 500 total nativities, including Dr. and Mrs. Ray Harrington’s collection among others.  



Sunday, January 3 from 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. in the DeGolyer House at the Dallas Arboretum

8525 Garland Road, Dallas, TX 75218



Guests can tour the lavish DeGolyer House, see more than 500 nativities and meet Broadway star and nativity collector George Dvorsky.

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