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Dallas is home to approximately 1.3 million people, and unfortunately, a large number of those residents face insecurity with basic needs such as food, housing, and medication. According to a report by the North Texas Food Bank, 1 in 7 North Texans face hunger, with the number rising to 1 in 4 for children. The same report also states that Dallas has the highest rate of child poverty among Texas cities, which makes it even more difficult for families to afford basic needs such as food.

The Child Poverty Action Lab has reported that currently, one in three children in Dallas is living in poverty. The lack of access to affordable housing, food, healthcare, and education are some of the challenges that these children face. Dallas has the third-highest childhood poverty rate among major cities in the United States, with over 100,000 children unable to achieve a minimum, decent standard of living.

In addition to food insecurity, Dallas has a significant number of residents facing housing insecurity, with approximately 12% of Dallas residents living in poverty. Many of these residents struggle to find and maintain safe and affordable housing. Furthermore, with the high cost of healthcare, many residents are unable to afford medication and other medical necessities, leading to medication insecurity & life threatening situations.

The City of Dallas and several other outreach organizations have been working consistently to address these issues. However, many question whether businesses should have an inherent role in addressing community issues and whether it would ultimately be beneficial for the business community to become more involved in solving these problems.

Companies are increasingly prioritizing social responsibility initiatives as they recognize the benefits of supporting social causes, whether on a local, national, or global scale. From an optics perspective, companies that promote social responsibility project a more appealing image to both customers and shareholders, positively impacting their bottom line. Customers are more likely to support socially responsible companies, as they feel that they are contributing to a good cause while purchasing goods or services. In addition, companies that actively support local communities can expect to see an increase in business from community members.

Social responsibility initiatives can also boost employee motivation and engagement. Employees who are passionate about making a positive impact on society are more likely to be loyal, motivated, and productive. Companies that prioritize social responsibility have a higher likelihood of attracting employees who share their values and sense of purpose. Engaged employees can have a direct impact on a company's overall performance, with studies showing a 17% increase in productivity, 21% higher profitability, and 41% lower absenteeism among engaged employees.

In addition to attracting customers and employees, social responsibility initiatives can help companies build and maintain customer loyalty. Customers are more likely to buy from companies that advocate for causes they care about, and they may refuse to purchase from companies that support issues contrary to their beliefs. By aligning with social causes that align with their values, companies can increase customer retention and brand loyalty. Community-oriented companies may also enjoy a competitive advantage, with socially conscious consumers choosing to support these companies over others.

Corporate social responsibility initiatives can benefit companies in a variety of ways, including attracting and retaining customers, increasing employee engagement and productivity, and building brand loyalty. Companies that prioritize social responsibility can expect to see positive impacts on their bottom line, and even a small investment in social responsibility initiatives can have a significant impact. By aligning with social causes that reflect their values, companies can make a positive impact on society while also achieving business success.

World Change Business Services' Shop 2 Save The World initiative is acting boldly as an example of a business model focused on real community impact. The initiative also offers a unique avenue for the businesses, that partner with World Change Business Services for payment processing, to do the same. World Change Business Services is a top of the line Dallas business services company that has successfully incorporated social responsibility into the core of their business model. Through this initiative, even customers can feel socially responsible. Fully 50% of the revenue received, by World Change Business Services, from their credit card transactions go to directly address housing, food & medication insecurity for real people. Businesses that partner with World Change Business Services get the same or better payment processing services and technology with a guarantee of the exact same cost as with any other provider. It's World Change Business Services' easy to get behind initiative to save the world one person, one community, on planet at a time.

Find out more @ and Shop 2 Save The World at our local business partners.

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