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Starting March 2023, approximately 3.6 million Texans who receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) will see a significant decrease in their benefits. This decrease will affect all SNAP recipients, with a reduction of at least $95 a month, while other families will see a cut of over $400 a month. Congress temporarily increased SNAP benefits early on in the pandemic by allowing states to provide all recipients with the maximum dollar amount per family size. However, this increase will end this February, as outlined in the Omnibus Appropriations Spending Bill passed last year.

Feeding Texas is a network of food banks that is prepared to provide emergency food assistance to those in need. Olson encourages those who require such assistance to locate their local food bank at

According to Feeding Texas, March, SNAP participants will have their benefits decreased to their original amount based on their income, family size, and expenses. For instance, a family of four currently receiving the maximum monthly benefit of $939 would have received $939 per month with the supplement if their regular monthly allotment was $500. Starting in March, their regular monthly benefit of $500 will resume.

To qualify for SNAP benefits, an individual or family must meet certain income and asset levels, and recipients must be employed or actively seeking work. The maximum monthly income for a Texan to receive benefits is $1,869, while for a family of four, it is $3,816.

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Although the decrease in benefits may cause concern, the emergency allotment was always intended to be temporary. Congress quickly implemented SNAP emergency allotments during the pandemic, and as a result, food insecurity remained relatively stable at around 13 to 14% of Texans from pre-pandemic to post-pandemic.

Despite the ending of the emergency allotment, the Omnibus Spending Bill contains legislation that creates a nationwide Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) grocery card program. This program will offer eligible children's families an additional $40 per month, per child for food, making up for the school meals missed during summer break.

The SNAP emergency allotment that has been providing extra food benefits to Texas families during the pandemic will come to an end in February, and SNAP recipients will see a dramatic cut in their benefits beginning in March. However, the decrease in benefits is consistent with the original benefit amount based on the recipient's income, family size, and expenses. Feeding Texas is ready to help those who need emergency food assistance. The Omnibus Spending Bill includes the establishment of the Summer EBT grocery card program, which will provide eligible children's families with additional food assistance during summer break. While this decrease in SNAP benefits may cause concern, programs like Summer EBT and Feeding Texas are working to mitigate the impact of food insecurity on Texans.

The "Shop 2 Save The World" initiative, by World Change Business Services, aims to bridge the gap on food insecurity among the most vulnerable Dallas community members. World Change Business Services' passive revenue stream is generated partnering with local businesses to provide payment processing services. Local businesses participate in the initiative by taking advantage of the same payment products and services at the same cost they are currently paying, while participating in making real impact towards the initiative's goals of addressing food, housing, and medication insecurity for real people in the Dallas community.

To fund the Shop 2 Save The World initiative, World Change Business Services uses 50% of its passive revenue stream to make a real and immediate impact for real people, in Dallas and beyond. Phase 2 of the initiative, focuses on addressing food insecurity by distributing, fully, $4,000 worth of $200 Aldi gift cards to individuals in need through a local Dallas food bank, when the program reaches a revenue benchmark of $12,000. World Change Business Services believes that businesses can bring about substantial and impactful change for the people and communities that enrich them. The Shop 2 Save the World Initiative encourages people to follow their progress and participate in the conversation as they strive to save the world - one person, one community, and one planet at a time.


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