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How to navigate divorce while pregnant Balekian Hayes Family Law Shares What to Expect When Getting Divorced While Pregnant in Texas

Sometimes, pregnancy and divorce go hand in hand, and expecting mothers may find themselves splitting from their partners. Because like many other major life events, pregnancy can add tension to even the strongest relationships. Whether expecting parents are concerned about finances, the child's paternity is in question, or the new baby merely adds more tension on top of a pressure cooker of emotions, divorce may be on the table.

“Realizing that your marriage must come to an end can be devastating at any time—but even more so when you're expecting,” says Kris Balekian Hayes, president of Balekian Hayes, PLLC. “Having a baby is stressful, and the experience can challenge even the best of marriages. A baby's birth usually brings about role changes, lifestyle adjustments, and financial struggles that both spouses can find frightening. As the arguments increase, the tension may build, until divorce becomes the clear outcome.”

The following tips will help expecting mothers navigate ending their marriage during this physically and emotionally demanding time in their lives: 

  • Find out if your state will allow you to get divorced while pregnant. For example, Most Texas courts will not grant a divorce to a married couple if the wife is pregnant. Texas courts prefer to wait until after the baby is born to address paternity. The court can then determine if appropriate child-related orders, such as child support, need to be included. 
  • Surround yourself with a supportive entourage, and don’t be afraid to ask friends and family for help. 
  • Find a good lawyer. This means finding a lawyer that specializes in family law and divorce. By hiring knowledgeable counsel, you will save time and stress because they can help you understand your rights, determine the best course of action for your unborn baby's custody, and break down the legal jargon for you.
  • Create a co-parenting plan. Both parents should be involved in a child's upbringing, so you and your partner should create a shared parenting plan that works for you. You will have a lifetime of dealing with the other side even after a divorce if you have children, so try and start on the right foot with flexibility and generosity.

The best way to get guidance on your specific legal issue is to contact a lawyer. To schedule a meeting with Balekian Hayes, PLLC visit:

Founded in 2009 by Kris Balekian Hayes, the family law attorneys of Balekian Hayes PLLC are dedicated to fighting for their clients and their clients’ children. From contested divorces, to child possession disputes, to out-of-court mediation and arbitration proceedings, the firm provides the knowledge and expertise needed to help people during what can be one of the most stressful times in their lives. To learn more about Balekian Hayes, visit

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