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Competing against 29 Middle School students, sixth grader John Pattee won the St. John’s National Geographic Bee January 14. The bee included preliminary, final and championship rounds in which participants answered questions about world geography. Sixth grader Andrew Laczkowski placed second in the school-level Bee, which is the first round in the 26th Annual National Geographic Bee.

In addition to Pattee and Laczkowski, the top six St. John’s finishers included Carter Bakewell (fifth grade), Joanna Leitch (seventh grade), Cara Lawson (eighth grade) and Ian Winson (eighth grade). Pattee will now take a written test to qualify for participation in the state-level bee, which puts him one step closer to winning a $50,000 college scholarship at the national-level competition in May.

Test your own geography knowledge with the GeoBee Challenge, an online geography quiz at

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