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St. John's Geo Bee Winner Geography Bee winner Allison Herring with Head of Middle School Rebecca Nelson and Head of School Mark Crotty

Eighth grader Allison Herring won the St. John’s Geography Bee earlier this month. Competing in a field of 35 Middle School students, Herring won the Bee after a short final round in which she participated with fifth graders Evan Bare, Elisa Carroll and Andrew Herring; seventh graders Jack Carroll and Carter Walters; and eighth grader Megan Ortman. The Bee included preliminary and final rounds in which participants answered questions about world geography.

Herring will now take a written test to qualify for participation in the state-level Bee, which puts her one step closer to winning a $50,000 college scholarship at the 26th annual National Geographic Bee in May.

Test your own geography knowledge with the GeoBee Challenge, an online geography quiz at

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