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1963-64 Class Photo Art teacher Martin Delabano is front, center

St. John’s Episcopal School is recognizing its 60th anniversary this spring with a 60-day celebration, Zero to Sixty. From February 26 through April 26, Zero to Sixty activities will highlight the school’s long-standing place in the East Dallas community while celebrating its growth from a parish day school in 1953 to a source of modern education for 500 pre-k through eighth grade students today.

Students themselves have been an important part of Zero to Sixty, participating through prayer flags, community service, T-shirt days and buddy activities. In a nod to the school’s startup in the ’50s, Student Council leaders organized a Buddy Day Sock Hop and sock collection drive for White Rock Center of Hope. The event paired older with younger children at a chapel service that began with a focus on community and culminated with students swinging their partners and spontaneously forming dancing trains in the gym, all while wearing their Zero to Sixty T-shirts generously donated by members of the school’s Board of Trustees. Says Student Council president Megan Bret, “This Buddy Day was a fun way for older kids to bond with their younger buddies while helping our community.”

In the days leading up to the Zero to Sixty kick off, each pre-k through eighth grader created an individual prayer flag. Those flags, now strung between trees at the campus entrance, are weathering and fading, releasing their messages of students’ gratitude. The activity ties to the school’s long-held belief that children benefit from equal emphasis on their academic, emotional, character and spiritual development.

On day 59 of Zero to Sixty, students will conclude their celebration with the school’s annual Games Day, which began in the ’60s as Field Day. During the students’ favorite day of the year, they will enjoy a friendly blue-and-gold competition, a hot-dog lunch outdoors, and a celebratory Zero to Sixty birthday cake.

A hallmark of St. John’s has always been its engaged parent community, and this year is no different. The Parents Association has rallied to celebrate the milestone anniversary with a $10,000 raffle. The drawing for this signature fundraiser will be held at a party at The LOT restaurant on the last day of Zero to Sixty, April 26, to thank the St. John’s community for its many years of support.

Tickets for the third annual raffle are on sale to the general public now through April 26 at The grand-prize winner will receive a $10,000 Visa gift card; second place $2,500 of NorthPark Gold; and third place $1,000 of NorthPark Gold. Proceeds from the raffle will be used for student financial assistance, classroom technology, faculty professional development and student enrichment opportunities.

Dads and other golfers shared in the anniversary celebration at the 13th Annual Crusader Club Classic Golf Tournament, April 4 at Stevens Park Golf Course. With perfect weather, St. John’s golfers had the course to themselves. After an outstanding afternoon of play, teams returned to the clubhouse and outdoor pavilion for dinner and an awards ceremony. The tournament trophy went to the overall first place team of Garrett Adams, Kyle Smith, Tom Schmitz and Scott Fedro. The team of John Cole, Jody Savant, Joe Angelone and Sean Gros won first place net. Formed by St. John’s dads in 2001, the Crusader Club supports the school’s athletic programs and community service.

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