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Hawila shows tools of the weatherman's trade

“April showers bring May flowers,” as the saying goes.  April also brought WFAA Channel 8 News meteorologist Jesse Hawila to Shelton School’s Lower School Primary classes.  Hawila spoke to first and second grade students about different types of weather.  

Shelton students got all the answers right when asked to identify pictures of various cloud formations. Hawila gave students high marks and told them that he speaks to middle and high school students who cannot correctly identify the clouds.  He then spoke about the water cycle and how to measure weather using the thermometer and water gauge.  

He showed students how to be safe during a storm and involved them in demonstrations on stage.  Hawila is a storm chaser, and he shared some photos of storms and stressed that everyone should respect Mother Nature. He talked about lightning and thunder.  Using time lapse photos, he discussed how we see lightning and later hear thunder.  

Shelton students enjoyed the program and learned that they had sharp Weatherminds, just like Jesse, the tv weather guy.

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