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2014 winner John Shinn

Following the church service at Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) on Sunday, January 26, the fellowship really heated up as members celebrated their 4th annual Chili Cook-off.   


Members and guests gathered after Sunday worship to enjoy a bowl of red with all the trimmings while a panel of judges graded the chili dishes with a culinary passion normally found only on The Food Network.


Taking home the “blue” (and gift card from Penzy’s Spices was Johnn Shinn.

First and second runners up were Gus Dracopoulos and James Hull, respectively.


So what is the jury on beans or no bean?  Although the winning chili did contain legumes, the survey said taste and texture is more important.


And what is the secret ingredient in a recipe that makes the chili a winner?  We concludedlots of love.


If you are looking for a church home that combines inspirational worship services, community service opportunities, and a gamut of social activities, then spice up your life with a visit to Central Christian Church, 4711 Westside Drive. 


It's the church with the dog park.  Come and See!

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