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Tis’ the holiday season at Autumn Leaves Retirement Center and Johnny Rockit was back in the building performing one of the best impersonations ever of the King of Rock n’ Roll.


Thursday evening, December 12, Autumn Leaves, 1010 Emerald Isle Dr.,  held their annual open house for residents and their families.  A beautiful buffet of holiday appetizers and confections was served while Rockit performed Elvis hits from the past—a holiday tradition at the retirement center..  


With gyrating hips and a hunk of burning love, nobody does it better than Rockit, right down to a sense of humor that skillfully mimics Elvis.


We were all saddened to learn that after 11 years and over 900 performances, Rockit is retiring the gig.


But during the party, the audience was captivated as “Elvis” serenaded each of the  ladies, leaving them with souvenirs of teddy bears, leis and silk scarves like those worn during his later live performances.


Rocket did hint to watch his website, for a new show, perhaps “A Tribute to Las Vegas.”

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