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Janet Morris and two of her rescue dogs .jpg Janet Morris and two of her rescue dogs

Americans spend billions of dollars every year on pet food and treatseven more on veterinary care, grooming, schooling and clothing.


I once had a Westie, (West Highland White Terrier) whose body seemed to be made for doggie tee’s, sweaters and coats. One of my best friends would often comment regarding my little terrier, “Tibbie can wear right off the rack.”


My sister often referred to her Yorkie (Yorkshire Terrier) as a “clothes horse.” 


We buy airline tickets for our dogs. We reserve them a space at a premier hotel that understands how special they are and greets their arrival with a “doggie bag.”


If they can’t possibly accompany us on our travels, we arrange a special stay for them at one of the doggie hotels. Urban Paws offers a room with a view of the city for a small extra fee.


Anxious dog owners, if leaving their pet behind, may choose a facility that has a webcam, so they can look in on their darling at various times during the day, especially at playtime to make sure he or she is socializing and not showing signs of separation anxiety.    


Some of us, who would not consider leaving our beloved pet alone while we are at work,  allow a few extra minutes on our commute time to drop our pet off at “doggie daycare.”


If all this sounds “far-fetched”—apparently it’s not. People are making a living providing these services.


Why this obsession with our dogs? Some would say that we are giving dogs human qualities that they do not understand or desire, since dogs are pack animals and a different species from their human masters.


I decided to ask some devoted dog owners just what it is that makes us so crazy in love with our dog.


Where is the best place to catch up with dogs and their owners?  The dog playground of course?


Since the first city-owned, dog park (located at White Rock Lake) opened in Dallas over a decade ago, off-leash dog parks have become popular throughout the city. Dogs and their owners frequent these parks daily and like all outdoor activities, pretty weather brings them out in droves.


At Central Dog Park, located at 4711 Westside Dr., I caught up with Ramsey Rodriquez and his beautiful white Boxer, Cosmos. Central Dog Park is owned and operated by Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) where Rodriquez is a member. He and Cosmos were enjoying sunshine, as well as the company of one another.  


I asked just what makes Cosmos so special?  “Cosmos and I are companions.  We hang out here in the dog park, often.” Rodriquez said. “That is one of my dog’s traits that make him such a great companion.  He is willing to hang out with me whenever and wherever I want.”


When Cosmos was a puppy he had an accident that required an expensive surgery. “I paid the bill and Cosmos received the care he needed. The cost was a financial sacrifice, but I couldn’t put a price on Cosmos.”     


Janet Morris, a resident of Vickery Place neighborhood, was also visiting the dog park with her trio of rescue dogs. 


"I love spending my time in the company of animals, as is shown by the 25-plus years that I spent serving as a shelter veterinarian. My own pets, three big dogs and one elderly cat, are certainly no exception, and I would do anything for them,” Morris said.


Morris said that nine-year-old Leia has undergone two hip surgeries including a total hip replacement as well as radiation treatment for a bony tumor on her jaw, but she still meets everyday with a smile.


“My dogs are my happy friends that never say no. They are always ready for a walk around the block, a romp at the dog park, or a hike in the woods,” Morris said.


According to these dog lovers dogs are devoted companions and best friends. For sure they have a way of stealing our heart, making them a special valentine.









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