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Vickery Place residents Wally Bettes and Kathy Harris celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany with a Three King’s party, a tradition they started when they moved into their Lower Greenville neighborhood home several years ago.


Friends and neighbors look forward to the event each year. The hosts choose a theme and it is reflected through lavish decorations and festive food.


 This year’s theme was New Orleans and the menu included muffaletta sandwiches, “Cajun fire crackers,” and shrimp dip along with other culinary favorites inspired by The Big Easy, and, of course, a King’s Cake.


The cake has a small plastic baby hidden inside and the person who gets the piece of cake with the trinket gets various privileges and obligations, At the Bettes party, the winner receives the crown, wears the title, but also has to bring the cake to next year’s party.


Selena Urquhart of Vickery Place found the coveted “baby” in her cake and was crowned 2014 queen by last year’s king, Randy Rutledge of Stonewall North neighborhood.

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