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It’s an Easter tradition at Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to enjoy a pancake breakfast and Easter egg hunt on the Saturday before Palm Sunday. 


This year besides enjoying a scrumptious breakfast and eggciting hunt, we’ll have breakfast with the bunny himself!

Kids, bring your Easter basket. Parents and grandparents, bring your cameras. And everyone bring a hearty appetite to this morning of Easter fun.

The event is free and open to the community.

Central Christian Church is located at 4711 Westside Dr., between Mockingbird Lane and Lemmon Ave.

Seating for breakfast will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday, march 28 in the church fellowship hall.  Enter the church at the southwest door near the front parking lot and follow the cabbage to fellowship hall.

The egg hunt will begin at 10 a.m. on the church grounds. Kids will be divided into age groups for hunting.

Just give us a call and let us know you are coming so we have a head count. Call 214-827-4568 and leave a message with your name, phone number and how many will attend.

Tell your friends and neighbors about this fun event planned for families around Dallas to enjoy the Easter season.

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