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Un-cluttering our space is a top priority for many of us today.  The more organized we are the more energized we are.  


However, “white elephants” surround us, collecting dust and smothering us with their unwanted presence.  And what happens at Christmas?  Well meaning friends and relatives add to our collection with knick knacks, brick brac and other such “stuff” because they love us.


We would have it no other way.  Gift giving and receiving can be a lot of fun and is a memorable part of our lives. So what is the solution?  As with everything else these days, recycle. 


Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) holds a game of after Christmas Bingo the first Sunday of the New Year immediately following Sunday worship and it proves to be a “win, win” when it comes to cleaning out and having fun doing it.


Here’s how it works.  Members bring Christmas gifts for which they have no need or use and other items, (perfectly good but welcome-worn), from around their house and donate them to the “prize pile.”


Remember, “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” 


Winners of bingo get to choose a gift from the collection of prizes.


We carried out the “white elephant” theme with table decorations on the food buffet that included a frog singing, “Only You,” a decked out dog bellowing “The Christmas Song,” and Santa riding in on a Harley.


Last January Mary Chris Gibbons won an Elvis coffee mug that plays “Love Me Tender.” The mug may not be everyone’s prize of choice, but Gibbons, a huge Elvis fan, has a room in her home devoted to Elvis, Betty Boop and Erica Cane so she was thrilled with her treasure. 


“I remember like it was yesterday when my daddy dropped my best friend and me off at the Palace Theater in downtown Dallas to see the movie, ‘Love Me Tender,’ Gibbons recalled.


Sunday’s game found David Tinney with a neat prize—a table-top pool game.  Another player at his table tried to buy it from him.


Un-cluttering my home and my home office are on my list of resolutions this year again for the fourth year in a row.  I have made some head-way, but still not enough to satisfy my desire to minimalize the contents of my 100- year old bungalow.


After Christmas bingo is a great way to have fun and get started on a New Year’s resolution at the same time. Plus, it was great family time as the game was enjoyed by young and old.  The oldest active member of the church was the first player to call “bingo’ at Sunday’s game.


Please share your ideas on getting rid of items around the house that you don’t need and ways to get organized for the coming year. Comment below the article or email .


Central Christian Church is located at 4711 Westside Dr. in Dallas. It is home to a community dog park, a community garden and Connecting Point of Park Cities, a day program for adults with disabilities.  Sermons are broadcast on WRR (101.1 FM) at 9 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Visit Central for Sunday worship at 11 a.m. or visit their website All are welcome!

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