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Disciples Women’s Ministry will gather in the parlor at Central Christian Church  on Tuesday, October 2nd at 10:30 a.m. for the monthly meeting of the 2018/19 year.

Rev. Dr. Charlotte Nabors will be the guest speaker. Former missionary and professor at Thailand Theological Seminary (now McGilvary College of Divinity) in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Rev. Nabors served as Associate Pastor of Central Christian Church of Dallas and Co-Pastor with her late husband, Rev. Dr. Oran Nabors, at First Christian Church of Denton.

“Called for God’s Purpose” is the theme of this year’s lessons and Rev. Nabors will share the story of Abigail, a woman of wisdom and action.  Despite her difficult situation, Abigail is used for God’s purpose when she balances her gifts of wisdom, leadership, hospitality and humility to save her family.

Following the program and a brief business meeting, lunch will be served in fellowship hall.  Holly Puig, Carol Archer and Jayne Hawley are hosting the luncheon and are preparing a wonderful meal featuring a seasonal menu. Did I hear Butternut Squash soup for starters?

As we begin the busy holiday season, all women are encouraged to take time for themselves and there is no better way than to become a part of Central’s Disciples Women’s Ministry.  Even the logo symbolizes the mission and purpose of the organization and how all women are welcomed and embraced.

The Cross is the pivot point around which all the Disciples Women’s Ministries beliefs and activities revolve. The circle attached to the cross is symbolic of birth and life.

In 1874, Caroline Neville Pearre organized women of the church for mission work, creating the Christian Woman’s Board of Missions.  Jessie Trout, in 1949, birthed the Christian Women’s Fellowship. From those founding mothers, the Christian Women’s Foundation and eventually, Disciples Women’s Ministries evolved.

The arms in the logo represent strength. Disciples Women are strong in their dedication to the church and relationships with their families and communities.

The up-swinging arms are energy-filled and indicate the joy of being a Christian and a Disciples woman, serving the Lord and world community.

The embracing arms reflect that Disciples Women are nurturing and all inclusive.  

All are welcome!  You do not have to be a member of Central Christian Church, or any church for that matter, to join the group of loving, welcoming women.  They enjoy learning, laughing and lunching at the monthly meetings and serving the community in various ways.  

If you would like to visit the October meeting, email or call the church office at 214-526-7291 and let us know that you would like to be our guest.

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