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Chanise Condren

Electric Kitchen gets its name from the idea that food is charged with energy that can affect our bodies in a positive way when it’s harvested from God’s precious earth and lovingly prepared with heart.

Meet Chanise Condren and you know immediately that she loves what she is doing and believes in the benefit of eating vegan.  Her face lights up when she is cooking or talking about her plant-based offerings. She eagerly shares that she has lost over 100 pounds, feels great and is “charged with energy”  since choosing the vegetarian life-style. 

Central Christian Church welcomes Chanise to the October cooking class to share some of her amazing recipes and enthusiasm for this healthy way to approach one of our favorite past-times— cooking and eating. 

After sampling her food, typical comments like “the food was delicious” and “it was so good, I didn’t know it was vegan” are heard around the room as people solicit her recipes and cooking techniques.   

You will learn to make delicious vegan tacos, black beans and a healthy rice alternative. Even the lowly bean takes on new life with Chanise’s secret ingredients.  Following the cooking class, everyone will enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of their labor.

The class is Saturday morning, October 13 in the kitchen of Central Christian Church at 10 a.m. The cost is $20.00 per person to help defer the cost of the food. Proceeds go to the Disciples Women’s Ministry to help support their charitable contributions and community outreach.  

Class is “first come; first serve” so make your reservation by emailing  You will receive conformation and payment details.

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