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Happy Holidays and Season's Greetings

Disciples Women of Central Christian Church celebrated their annual Christmas party and cookie delivery Tuesday morning.

The women have been baking and delivering homemade treats during the month of December for more years than most members can remember.  Margaret Wilson was married in the church in 1947 and she can’t recall exactly when the tradition began, “but it was a long time ago” she assured.

Festivities began with a visit from Santa before the meeting was brought to order by President Becky Riggins.

The Christmas program was presented by singer/actress Lois Leftwich.  Lois chose Christmas songs featured in Broadway shows and entertained the women with trivia and stories associated with the song and the storyline from the production.

 Her selections included “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” “Rockin Around the Christmas Tree,” and of course, the classic, “White Christmas.”  

Accompanied on the piano by Carolyn Shinn, Lois performed the songs and ended the program with the audience joining in to sing “White Christmas.”

Following the meeting, the ladies enjoyed a delicious soup and salad lunch before assembling the plates of Christmas goodies and delivering to the members who are no longer able to attend church activities due to age and immobility. 

The Disciples Women is a service organization who reaches into the community to lend a hand to those who may benefit by caring and nurturing.  If you want to be a part of their ministry, make plans to attend one of their meetings.  You don’t have to be a member of Central or any church for that matter.  Just contact the church or to learn more about the organization.   

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