Lakewood BubbleLife -
Cacaphony: A Dance Tribute to Cancer Survivors and Those We Have Lost

Dance Idea premiers on stage at Central Christian Church Saturday evening, May 26 at 7:30.  The performance is Cacophony.

Cacophony, choreographed by Director, Elizabeth Owens, is a story about two women who undergo the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of cancer. Plagued with fear and a new found awareness of mortality, the patients decide to go through their journey together instead of alone, with one reaching recovery first and then returning to provide support to the other.

Cacophony refers to the literal sounds of medical equipment as well as the metaphoric dissonance of feelings and realizations during difficult life’s difficult experiences.

The show is dedicated to cancer survivors and to the loving memory of those we have lost.

Dance Idea Company Members include Darian Armani, Dancer; Candace Craig-Hardie, Choreographer/Dancer; Tamara McDannel, Choreographer/Dancer; Elizabeth Owens, Director/Choreographer/Dancer and Myrna Thibault, Choreographer/Dancer. Guest  artists will include Tim Caffee, Torrey Owens, Michael Raines, David Joshua Shepherd, Sarah Stoffels and Cara Wildman. 

Admission is “pay as you can” so that everyone has the opportunity to experience this amazing performance. 

Refreshments will be served at 6:30.  Children are welcome.

Thursday, 24 May 2018