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Like picnics, parades and fireworks, kids and dogs spell Fourth of July. And Central Christian Church Community Dog Park had a float full of both at Wednesday morning’s annual Park Cities celebration.

The float, reminiscent of a park shaded by umbrellas and enclosed by a picket fence, invited everyone to “Bring Your Dog to Church.” Onlookers were treated to a packet of dog biscuits tossed from the float carrying the same message.

Central opened a community dog park on the church grounds 11 years ago. The off-leash park sits on one-acre and is shaded by mature Live Oaks, cooled by electric fans and has plenty of seating for dog owners to sit and relax while their dog roams, sniffs and fetches.   It’s like a “play date for Fido” as many of the regulars gather at the same time each day so that people and dogs can visit with one another.  

The park is equipped with waste stations, running water, a dog bath and a “library” where you may exchange books and magazines or browse the latest issue of AKC’s "Family Dog Magazine."

A little over a year ago, Elder Tyson Woods began holding worship services at 9 a.m. on the first and third Sunday of the month.  The informal service includes casual dress, sing-a-longs, coffee and donuts as well as a brief lesson about God’s love.

Following your Fourth of July celebration, come and enjoy this little piece of “heaven” anytime.  The park is open from sun-up till sun-down and there is plenty of parking. Visit Central’s web-site to learn about all of the neighborly amenities and community outreach program offered by the church.

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