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Counting the days until school starts!  Back to school is always an exciting time in the life of a student and their parents.  The new school year is a new beginning—a chance to learn, achieve and make new friends.

However, the financial burden of clothing, lunches and school supplies can be a struggle for many families, and economically disadvantaged students have a harder time succeeding in school and are more likely to drop out as they age.

In recent years, “back to school drives” have helped alleviate the problem by collecting school supplies, uniforms, etc. and donating to lower income schools for students who need the assistance.

Central Christian Church of Dallas began their drive for donations last month and church members and members of the community generously donated to the cause.

Jayne Hawley, Buzz Dicken and Frank Whitington sorted spirals, paper, pens, pencils, colored markers, glue, crayons, compositions, rulers, scissors, backpacks and more Monday afternoon before boxing up the supplies, loading them onto the truck and delivering to Maple Lawn Elementary School for distribution.

Thank you Central members and friends of the church for supporting the drive!

Moms, now that school is starting, if you find that you have more time on your hands and would like to volunteer, Central may be just the place for you.  There are so many volunteer opportunities for community outreach at Central. 

Genesis Women’s Shelter, Juliette Fowler Communities, Angel Tree, kids coat drives and winter blanket drives, North Dallas Shared Ministries, Austin Street and Stewpot are but a few of the charitable programs that Central supports.

Morning worship is at 11 a.m. on Sundays and the Disciples Women meet the first Tuesday of each month between September and May for a program and lunch. 

Plan a visit and see what you think.  Central is a warm and welcoming congregation and the Disciples Women’s Ministry is a true sisterhood of women who care about one another.

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