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Disciples Women meet to hear Mary's Song

At each monthly meeting of the Disciples Women's Ministry of Central Christian Church, a guest speaker selects a lesson from the year’s Bible Study.  The 2017 study syllabus is “Freedom, Promise and Struggle in the Bible.” 

Rev. Dr. Cheryl Dibeela of Botswana South Africa prepared the lesson “Mary’s Song of Praise and Protest,” based on Luke 1:39-56. 

“Mary’s song is a prayerful and at the same time, political song,” Rev. Dibeela said.  She added that it reminded her of her childhood—singing to lift her spirits and chanting to protest the oppressive political system of South Africa. 

This month’s guest speaker was Rev. Dr. Irie Lynn Session who gave an analytical account of the lesson using power point and interactive discussion with the women attending Tuesday’s meeting.  

Through teaching, preaching and writing, Dr. Irie empowers women. She received her Doctor of Ministry from ColgateRochesterCrozerDivinitySchool and her Master of Divinity from BriteDivinitySchool at TexasChristianUniversity. She is scheduled to receive the 2018 Distinguished Minister Award from Brite Divinity Alumnae/i

Read more about I.L. Session Ministries at 

Following the business meeting and program the women were treated to a wonderful luncheon hosted by Becky Riggins. The menu featured Lentil Soup, beautifully presented in bread bowls, Greek salad with a charcuterie board of condiments and both chocolate chip and vanilla cake. 

Becky’s Lentil Soup was a big hit on the chilly, November day. The recipe for this easy and healthy soup follows. 

Lentil Soup 


 1/4 cup olive oil

1 onion chopped

1 1/2 cups chopped carrots

2 stalks celery chopped

3-4 cloves garlic minced

2 teaspoons dried oregano

2 teaspoons dried basil

1 14.5 ounce can crushed tomatoes

2 cups dry lentils

8 cups chicken broth

Salt to taste

Ground black pepper to taste


  1. In a large stock pot, saute onions in oil till soft but not browned. Ad minced garlic and continue to cook for one minute more.  
  2. Add lentils, broth, canned tomatoes, vegetables and seasonings. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer for 1 hour.
  3. When ready to serve, stir, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Ladle into soup bowls or bread bowls. 
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