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Join us for lunch

Hot soup and a loving story will warm you physically and spiritually when Rev. Dr. Irie Session shares "Mary's Song" the story of Elizabeth and Mary from Luke 1: 39-56 at the November meeting of Disciples Women of Central Christian Church.

The program begins at 10:30 a.m. in the church parlor of Central and all are welcome.

The Disciples Women’s study this year is “Freedom, Promise and Struggle in the Bible” and Rev. Chesla Nickelson, Disciples Women's Ministries program director, describes the study series this way: "While the struggle for freedom spiritually, socially, collectively, as a country, and all over the world continues, I am comforted and strengthened by the promise that in it all, God is with us."

The study guide says this lesson titled "Mary's Song: "is both a prayerful and political song that praises God's power and promise, challenges Empire, and invites us to speak out against oppressive regimes."

When the teenager Mary arrives at her cousin Elizabeth's home, the older woman realizes that the young girl, chosen by God, would bring hope and change the world.

Following the program, Becky Riggins is offering a delicious luncheon of Lentil soup beautifully presented in rustic bread bowls, Greek Salad and chocolate chip cake.

Put the date on your calendar!  Deadline for responding so that we can prepare a lunch for you is Friday November 3 as we must place our order to the bakery for bread bowls.  Email Shelia at or call 214-797-5231.

The cost of lunch is $5.00 per person and as always, we love to have guests. Attending the Disciples Women’s Ministries monthly meeting is a blessing for all, member of Central or not, as testified by the recent increased popularity. And where else would you receive such a blessing, make new friends and have lunch for $5.00? 

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