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Anne Pogson, Becky Riggins and Laura Ninesling

The Disciples Women’s December meeting and Christmas party completed the 2017 ministries with a triumphant bang.  

Disciples Women’s Ministry is the women’s organization of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and beyond their charitable contributions to the community and the world, they strive to provide spiritual growth, education and creative ministries to enable women to enrich their lives. 

As Sarah Bessey put it in article about the organization, “We are NOT a safe club for little ladies to play church. We are smart. We are brave. We want to change the world. We strive to be a community of women, gathered together to live more whole-heartedly, to sharpen, challenge, love and inspire one another to then scatter back out to our worlds bearing the mandate to be women that love.” 

Creative ministries at Tuesday’s meeting included the introduction of Tammie Kollinger, President of “Take Charge. Period.” 

Did you know that food stamps do not pay for feminine hygiene products? Many members of our group did not know this and we were horrified since that leaves many low-income women without those necessities. As a mother and grandmother, imagine being a young girl and your family unable to provide those basic needs. 

“Take Charge. Period” collects the products and distributes them to food banks and charitable service organizations for allocation.  Central Christian Church is now a drop- off station for donations.  

Other creative ministries at Central include the use of the Arts to teach and inform.  One of Central’s talented church members is actress/singer Lois Leftwich. 

“After 15 years of directing the children’s Christmas pageant for my church in Fairfield, Connecticut, I delved into the Gospels of Luke and Matthew to come up with a chronological summary of the events surrounding the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. From Mary’s humble acceptance of Gabriel’s news that she was to be the mother of our Lord through the arrival of the Magi, the story is loaded with miracles,” Lois said. 

As program speaker, Lois shared those miracles and the time-line at Tuesday’s meeting. This was a lovely way to start the Advent season as we wait for the birth of Jesus Christ. 

Following the program everyone enjoyed a festive Mexican luncheon. Colorful Christmas decorations adorned the tables in Fellowship Hall.  Tamales provided by Jimmy’s Food Store at Fitzhugh and Bryan were served along with queso, guacamole, divinity and pralines. The door prize was a jar of Christmas Jam made with love by Central member, Rosemary Davenport. 

Several members prepared a plate of cookies and Christmas treats and delivered them to elderly members who are now home-bound so they, too, could enjoy the tastes of Christmas. 

Remember, you don’t have to be a member of the church to grow and celebrate with the Disciple’s Women.  Our meetings are open.  For more information contact Shelia at  All are welcome!   

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