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Katie Hays to lead workshop

Central Westside is excited to have you join us for our annual retreat, a one-day workshop, where we explore together how God is working in, through and among us as we partner with our neighbors to experience God's transforming love.  

The 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. vision workshop will be held at 4711 Westside Dr. on Saturday, September 7. Lunch will be provided on campus. 

Located in the heart of neighboring Park Cities, Love Field, North Park, Oak Lawn, Uptown and Southwestern Medical Center, Central Westside is a hub of community engagement, innovation and impact, focusing on diversity and Inclusion, creativity and the arts, wholeness and flourishing. 

Over the last year we have watched Westside Wellness Dallas come to fruition, expressing our missional priority of wholeness and flourishing. We have witnessed “Church in the Dog Park” grow from a few interested people to a small congregation that meets with their dogs for Sunday worship. We’ve added staff to better serve our community. We launched our ESL program at Maple Lawn Elementary, added new 12 Step Groups and another worshipping community, Journey Church, to our campus. 

Central Westside has hosted community lunches like the recent one made up of local clergy in response to the tragic shootings that again took place in our Nation and the Good Neighbor Movement lunch, encouraging people to get to know and include their neighbors. 

Just this month “Grow North Texas,” a non-profit that works to connect North Texans to food, farms, and community in order to create a sustainable, secure regional food system has joined our co-working space as has a certified grief counselor providing a form of psychotherapy that aims to help people cope with the physical, emotional, social, spiritual and cognitive responses to loss.  

Rev. Dr. Katie Hays will lead the workshop. You're being invited to share your story that encapsulates the work that you do and how you are or can engage the twin missions of our church and campus: For more information contact the office at 214-526-7291.

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