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Becky Riggins coordinated the party

Disciples Women of Central Christian Church shared a wonderful afternoon with residents of Juliette Fowler Communities. Coordinated by Becky Riggins, birthday cake, ice cream, punch, music and fellowship took place in the beautifully remodeled Pearl Nordan activities center.

It was a party for everyone, but Hazel, who turned 95 this month was the "birthday girl."

The celebrations are a tradition of both Fowler and Disciples of Christ churches throughout the city.  Central’s Disciples Women make a point each year to honor those residents celebrating a birthday in July by providing cake, ice cream and a gift, in short—a birthday party!

The celebration is just one of the Disciples Women’s community projects. This year marks the 145th anniversary of Disciples Women’s Ministry.  Over the years, the women of Central have generously given their time and money to non-profits such as Juliette Fowler Communities, Austin Street Center, Genesis Women’s Shelter, North Dallas Shared Ministries, Maple Lawn Elementary School and more.  Winter months finds them participating in coat, blanket and glove drives, and at each meeting they collect canned goods and toiletries for North Dallas Shared Ministries.

The organization is always open to ways that they can reach out to the community and help those in need. If you know of a charitable program that could benefit by the Disciples Women, please call the church at 214-526-7291 and ask for Shelia.

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