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Dorsey Standish is a mindfulness & meditation expert. A career change from mechanical engineer to Chief Mindfulness Officer of Mastermind Meditation, Dorsey brings research-backed mindfulness and mindful movement to clients throughout the state of Texas.

“I now spend my happiest days inspiring others to access the full power of their minds through a daily mindfulness practice,” she said.

Saturday morning, Dorsey was at Westside Wellness Center, conducting a workshop to participants interested in achieving a calm, settled, and productive mind.

The second part of the workshop was a cooking demonstration by certified nutritionist Patricia Thomson, Ph.D.

“A plant-based diet can improve brain health, arthritis, diabetes and more,” Dr. T. said as she prepared a delicious fruit-based shake, chia seed pudding and miso soup using simple appliances like today’s popular Instant Pot and a blender.

Westside Wellness Center is located upstairs in the Mid-Century Modern church building at 4711 Westside Dr. The newly refurbished rooms that house the wellness center look out onto treetops of the mature live oaks that shade the four-acre grounds, creating a perfect venue for learning and meditation.

Contact Director Kirsten Joy Burch for information on Yoga, Tai Chi, massage, meditation and upcoming workshops.      

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