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“Thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself.”  We learned that commandment when we were little children and quoted it all our life.  Unfortunately, today, we so often don’t even know our neighbors.

“Most people know 1.5 neighbors on their block,” Ryan Klinck said at a Central Westside luncheon Thursday.

Ryan is a “Good Neighbor Experiment Trainer” for the Neighboring Movement, a social health non-profit that works to connect people with their neighbors as a way to help restore the social fabric of our neighborhoods.

In today’s goal-oriented society, people often rely on technology rather than relationships to fulfill their social needs. “But being isolated or feeling isolated has the same effect on one’s health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day,” Ryan said.

The Neighboring Movement believes neighboring is key to combating loneliness and social isolation. It's all about abundance, relationship and joy. They believe everyone is gifted, and that when people share their gifts, the whole community gets stronger.

The movement supports asset-based community development which can result in financial enhancement for individuals and the community in addition to offering workshops about health, isolation and neighboring.

This was one of a series of lunches offered at Central Westside to improve quality of life for everyone in the community.

“It's an intentional process of getting to know our neighbors in specific and particular ways, and then taking concrete action in partnership,” Central Christian Church Pastor, Rev. Dr. Ken Crawford said.  

If you would like to know what is available at Central Westside, visit the website or call the office at 214-526-7291.

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