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The Disciples Women’s Ministry (DWM) of Central Christian Church kicked off the 2019/20 season of the organization with a stupendous program and luncheon Tuesday morning in the church parlor and fellowship hall.

Five of the Ms. Texas Senior America Pageant winners shared their talent and life philosophy with the Disciples Women and their guests during the program.

Ms. Texas Senior 2018, Sherry Dodson, began the program presentation with a beautiful rendition of “He Touched Me.” Following her song, she gave a synopsis of the purpose and objective of the pageant and what it means to American women who have recached the “age of elegance.” 

“So often women are ‘set aside’ or ‘put in a box’ after a certain age,” Sherry said.

However, if motivated, there is a lot of life, talent and giving left to be shared with other women, children and the community and that is what the pageant is all about.

The reining Ms. Texas Senior, Joyce Brown, disclosed that community service, often through her25-year church affiliation, has always been a way of life for her and helping others always a priority in her life.

Joyce had performed a jazz dance routine to “I Won’t Dance” in the talent competition of this year’s pageant that was held last month at the Doubletree Galleria in Addison, Texas where she was crowned Ms. Texas Senior America 2019.

Kimberly Ghedi, shared that she found love at 60 and what a life-changing event that has been for her.

Despite her musical career and beautiful voice, Kimberly admitted that she often felt left out as women get overlooked in their later years.

“Sometimes even at church they didn’t ask me to sing anymore.  But it was my husband who told me, ‘you can do more,’” Kimberly said.

She entered the pageant and she won the talent portion of the contest and became 1st runner-up 2019. Kimberly enjoys teaching and sharing her talent with children and adults.

Teresa Gwynne, 2nd runner-up in the pageant, who, like Joyce, performed a dance in the talent portion of the contest, by her own admission, revealed that her community service was probably a little different from the others.

Teresa rescues and fosters animals for “Cowtown Loves Animal Shelter Pets.”  She talked about the heartache often associated with fostering an animal knowing that eventually it will be leaving you and going to a new home, but also the reward when you see the dog in its new and wonderful “furever” home.  

And how does animal rescue play into the whole scheme of community service?

“Gandhi said the greatness of a nation can be judged by the way it treats its animals,” Teresa quoted.

Third runner-up, Debbie Vincent, brought laughter to Tuesday’s audience when she quipped, “I’m 3rd runner-up.  That means I was last.”

Beautiful and talented, Debbie also chose a riveting dance for her talent routine in the pageant.  She is an advocate for parents with disabled children and she also volunteers with Minnie’s Food Pantry.  

Other highlights of the meeting included Disciples Women’s, Anne Pogson, opening the program by reading “Audrey Hepburn Beauty Tips” and a recognition by Becky Riggins of long-time members, Katheryn Livengood and Margaret Wilson, for their service to the Disciples Women’s Ministry, the church and the community.

Kim Ghedi had the highest score for her talent in the Ms. Texas Senior America Pageant and the program ended with Kim singing her talent winning song, “Think of Me” from Phantom of the Opera.

Following the program everyone gathered in the beautifully appointed fellowship hall, with table decorations complements of DWM memberRosemary Davenport, to enjoy a delicious buffet lunch of tea sandwiches, fruit kabobs, tarts and cupcakes.

This program was dedicated to what seniors can do and will do for the community. If you are looking for a place to make new friendships, enjoy new experiences and share your talents, consider visiting a Disciples Women’s meeting.  They are held the first Tuesday of each month from September to May and you don’t have to be a member of Central, or any church for that matter, to be a part of this wonderful organization. For more information, contact Shelia at

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