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Peg Dicken and Holly Puig

Plan to come to Disciples Women’s October Meeting.

Hands down, October for many is the best month of the year.  Not too hot and not too cold!  And by the end of the month, you can bring out coats and sweaters and you don’t even hate them yet.

There is also the splendor of the trees changing color, even in Texas, but without taking Claritin from sneezing and watery eyes that come when they bloom in the spring.

Football, The State Fair of Texas, an afternoon cup of tea and soup in the crock-pot— or these days, the Instant Pot. The exciting winter holidays are right around the corner, but far enough away that you don’t yet feel a total trudge.

There is no better time to gather and celebrate friendships than this Autumn month. Join the Disciples Women of Central, Tuesday morning, October 1 at 10:30 for another exciting meeting of learning and sharing.

During the program, you will hear the new bestseller, “Becoming,” by Michelle Obama reviewed by Anne Pogson.

Scholars rank Michelle Obama as one of the most influential first ladies in American history.  She took up many causes during her husband’s time as president tackling issues as diverse as childhood obesity, veterans’ wellness and education for young women.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we will remember our loved ones, those who survived and those we lost. Also, celebrated in October is “National Make A Difference Day”—an annual community service event where millions of people have united in the common mission to improve the lives of others. That plays right in to Disciples Women's mission as celebrated in our September kick-off meeting.

We will collect sweaters, jackets, coats and hoodies for our Christmas project.  Please bring your ideas of where we might take these warm items for distribution to the October lunch.

Although the members of Disciples Women do enjoy lunching and socializing, the ministries are part of the movement for wholeness in a fragmented world by providing opportunities for spiritual growth, enrichment, education and charitable outreach to enable women to develop a sense of personal responsibility for the whole mission of the church and allow every woman to live her fullest potential.

You do not have to be a member of the hosting church, Central Christian Church, or any church for that matter to be a part of this wonderful organization. Email Shelia at or call the church office at 214-526-7291 if you would like to come see for yourself how enriching life can be for you and others through Disciples Women’s Ministries.

As always, lunch follows the program in fellowship hall.  Please RSVP so that we have an accurate head count for lunch.

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