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Becky Riggins, Margaret Wilson and Katheryn Livengood

Katheryn Livengood of Dallas and Margaret Wilson of Garland were recognized for their years of community service in the Disciples Women’s Ministries, (DWM) —a service organization in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ.) 

Both women have been long-time faithful members, giving their time and energy to helping others.

Kathryn Livengood began serving in DWM in the early 1980’s.  She has volunteered with the Visiting Nurses Association delivering Meals on Wheels to seniors, low-income and homebound for nearly 30 years.  She has overseen a monthly food drive, collecting canned goods, produce and groceries, loading them in her car and delivering to North Dallas Shared Ministries for distribution to those in need.

Margaret Wilson joined Katheryn on the monthly Meals on Wheels route about six years ago as the duo team of seniors helped make sure that low income and elderly in Northeast Dallas had a nutritious meal.

Both women have been long-time active participants in DWM and served in various offices and on various committees. Throughout the years, they have cheerfully filled requests for food preparation and service whenever they were asked.

Becky Riggins of Lake Highland presented the women with a thank you gift at a DWM meeting Tuesday, September 3. Thank you to these two seniors who have graciously reached out to the community to help make the world a better place.

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