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Oren Salomon

Let’s Make Latkes!  Okay, what are they?

Some might say a potato pancake.  Others might say a provincial’s ancestry, a history, a tradition or a neshamah—breath or soul.

The latke, associated with Jewish culture, is like many foods in the Christian faith— it is more than just a food to enjoy, it has a special meaning to those who have grown up eating them, especially during specific holidays.

We might compare Latkes to the pancake eaten on Mardi Gras— Fat Tuesday.  Churches, especially Roman and Anglican Catholic, will celebrate Mardi Gras with Pancake Suppers.  Serving pancakes with all that butter and syrup is not just to make you fat before Lent, but to empty the pantry of foods that will not be consumed during Lent. 

Not only are Latkes, fried in oil, associated with Hanakua and the miracle of the oil, but many a Jewish mom economically fed her hungry children with the plentiful potatoes that were stored in the root cellar.

If you enjoy learning about food, its heritage and preparation, join us in the kitchen at Central Christian Church with our resident bagel baker Oren Salomon for a hands-on class to learn to make these wonderful fried potato pancakes. There is a technique (the last time I tried to make them, mine fell apart), but Oren will show us how to produce beautiful, golden patties.

In the Jewish faith, latkes are traditionally eaten on Hanukkah, but they can technically be served during Passover when made with matzo meal. If you are trying to impress your mother-in-law, this is the class for you.

If you just love potato pancakes and want a perfect side to serve on your Easter buffet, this is the class for you.

I had the opportunity to enjoy Latkes on Christmas Day at Katz’s Deli in New York City (you know, Where Harry Met Sally) and they were delicious.

Following the 1 ½ hour class on Saturday, February 17 at 10:30 a.m.  we will enjoy a lunch of New York Pastrami sandwiches on home-made rye, latkes and dessert. 

The cost is $15.00 per person and includes lunch. Central is located at 4711 Westside Dr. between Mockingbird and Lemmon.

Call the church office at 214-526-7291 or email to sign up.

Pass the sour cream and applesauce, please.







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