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Did you know that 48 million Americans live in poverty? One in seven Americans face hunger every day and 16 million children live in food insecure households.

How can we help? Join Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) on Sunday, February 4 for Souper Bowl of Caring.

The Souper Bowl of Caring program utilizes Super Bowl weekend in America to fight hunger and poverty in local communities.  Central Christian Church donates food and other items year-round to North Dallas Shared Ministries, a local organization that helps some of Dallas’ poorest residents with food, clothing and other basic needs. But on Super Bowl Sunday, Central turns donating into “game day.”

Members and guests are invited to fellowship hall following Sunday morning worship to enjoy homemade soup, fresh from the oven bread and decadent desserts. What will it cost you?  A can or two of soup!  You can’t beat a deal like that and you can even vote for your favorite team by dropping your canned soup in the box designated for the Eagles or the one for the Patriots!

 The “soup kitchen” won’t run interference with the big game, either. The game doesn’t start this year until 5:15 CT so you will be home in plenty of time to get ready for your own super bowl party.

 Morning worship begins at 11 a.m. and lunch will be served immediately following the service.  All are welcome!

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