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Judges and Winners

The winners of the 2018 John Shinn Memorial Chili Cook-off were awarded Sunday afternoon at Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) during the church’s annual chili throw-down. 

About 15 crockpots of “red” were entered in the contest this year but taking home the blue in the two categories judged (traditional and creative) were Buzz Dicken and Pastor Ken Crawford.

“Winner” the name for Buzz Dicken’s traditional chili was an original recipe made up of “some of this and some of that.”  Guess Buzz got both the ingredients and the name right!

Pastor Ken who joined Central a little over a year ago as Senior Pastor has been recognized for his creativity in many areas of the church.  Apparently, his style carries over into his cooking since his “Chicken Curry Chili” was voted most creative concoction by the judges.

Judging this year’s cook-off were soprano and soloist choir member, Marsha Anderson, church Elder, Grady Quick, and Vice President of the Board, Gus Dracopoulos.

Baskets of delicious, hot hushpuppies circulated from table to table to enjoy along with the chili. Central Elder Frank Whitington was in the kitchen frying up the savory cornmeal fritters that kept folks asking for more.  

Dessert was a smorgasbord of cupcakes.  Among the selections were Mary Quick's S’mores cakes topped with a caramelized meringue, Margaret Wilson’s seven-minute frosted cakes and Holly Puig’s cupcake tree displaying cakes topped with a delicious home-made cocoa and butter frosting.

Sunday was a fun afternoon at Central and next week will bring more food and fellowship as we kick off the Super Bowl enjoying homemade soup, fresh-from-the-oven baked bread and decadent desserts to celebrate Souper Bowl Sunday. 

What will all of that food and fun cost you?  A can or two of soup for North Dallas Shared Ministries!  See you Sunday at Central. Worship is 11 a.m. and all are welcome.  All means all!

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