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Thank you for a great lunch

 “Friends of Central Dog Park,” (the regular visitors to the church owned community dog park on Westside Dr.) wanted to say “thank you” to the congregation for providing the lovely, ten-year-old, one-acre park located on the church grounds of Central Christian Church.  They chose to host an after-worship lunch in the church fellowship hall for Central members.

Green tablecloths and pots of blooming, fresh flowers (just like the dog park in Spring) decorated the tables.  The menu included a brisket that had everyone asking for the recipe, sides and chocolate cake.

As the weather warms, food thoughts always seem to turn to brisket, a favorite here in Texas. Try this old recipe that  gets lots of compliments when served at gatherings. 

Coffee and Coke Brisket


4 lb. brisket (untrimmed)

Dried seasonings (choose your favorites)

2 cups brewed coffee

1 can coca-cola

1 cup favorite barbecue sauce



Place brisket in pan.  For convenience and clean-up ease, use a disposable foil pan.

Rub brisket with dry seasoning. Add 2 cups of brewed coffee and cover with foil.

Bake at 275 degrees overnight.

Next day - remove foil and add 1 can coke and one cup barbecue sauce that has been heated. Slice and serve.

And a hearty thank you goes out to the dog park regulars who prepared and served the delicious meal.

Warmer weather also encourages attending church in the dog park.  The first and third Sunday of the month, Central holds a 9 a.m. worship service in the park. Bring your dog, friends, neighbors and co-workers and enjoy coffee, do-nuts, music and a short service delivered by Central Elder, Tyson Woods. All are welcome.  

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