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Joe Whitman and Holly Puig

Fellowship Hall was transformed into a romantic Caberet showcasing beautifully appointed tables to host Sunday’s annual Valentine dinner, a Central Christian Church tradition. 

Lunch was an Italian themed buffet of signature lasagna from Dallas landmark, Jimmy’s Food Store, garden salad and parmesan rolls.  Decadent desserts featuring chocolate, strawberries and other confections associated with Valentine’s were provided by members of the church. 

Entertainment, under the direction of Michael Raines, included classic love songs, a dramatic reading from Romeo and Juliette and The Baby Song by George Burns. Performing were Marsha Anderson, Bill Forbes, Tim Caffee, Lois Leftwich and Eric Stolpe, talented members of Central’s chancel choir.   

A heart felt thanks to everyone who helped make the day another sweet success and a special thanks to Lisa Huisenga for overseeing the kitchen and getting the food on the table.

Central Christian Church may be the oldest continuously operating Protestant Church in Dallas (founded in 1863) but it is young at heart.   Fellowship, activities and outings like Sunday’s Valentine dinner are an important part of church life. 

Saturday will feature a Latke cooking class in the church kitchen; next week the Disciples women will enjoy lunch prepared by the culinary students at El Centro College and in March the group will head, once again, to the Granbury Opera House for a musical performance.

These “good times” are open to the community.  Email for more information.

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