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If you drove past Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) on Westside Drive on Sunday morning, you likely saw a tree tied with 100 yellow ribbons.  Although not an “ole Oak tree” like the lyrics in the 1970s song, the huge Bois d’ Arc sprawling the church’s front lawn sent the same message — Welcome Home Steve! 


Central Christian Church officially welcomed their Senior Co-Pastor, Chaplain, Colonel Steve Chisolm back home on Sunday at morning worship.

Drs. Steve and Debbie Chisolm are co-pastors of Central, but Steve has been in our nation’s capitol for the past three years serving as director of the Air National Guard (ANG) Chaplain Corps.


“In this capacity Chaplain Chisolm supported the commander of the ANGReadinessCenter, advising on all matters pertaining to the religious and moral welfare of the Air National Guard,” Debbie Chisolm said.


Chaplain Chisolm was also responsible for a directorate that recruits, trains and maintains programs to meet the religious needs of all members of the Air National Guard and their families. He also implemented plans and programs of the ANG Chaplain Corps and supervised forces serving in the United States and overseas.


Chaplain Chisolm holds two Master’s degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, a Masters of Strategic Studies from AirWarCollege and a Doctorate in Pastoral Care from Brite Divinity at TexasChristianUniversity.


He joined the military in 1976 and has served in many capacities, including Security Policeman, Commander of Services and the Chief of Social Actions.


He also served as wing chaplain for six years at Carswell Joint Reserve Base in

Fort Worth, and was then promoted to full bird Colonel and became the ANG Assistant to the Commandant at the USAF Chaplain Corps College in Fort Jackson, South Carolina.


Chaplain Chisolm was recently selected as the next ANG Assistant to the United States Air Force Chief of Chaplains.  In this capacity, he will work to ensure deployment readiness and mission capability of the 600+ members of the ANG Chaplain Corps.  The new position comes with a nomination for promotion to brigadier general.


Although Chisolm has visited Central during the last several years, November 9 was his first day permanently back in the pulpit. 


The congregation, along with Debbie Chisolm, was thrilled to have him back home in Dallas.  After worship a potluck dinner was held in the church’s fellowship hall to celebrate Chaplain Chisolm’s return.


Located at 4711 Westside Dr. in Dallas, the church is home to Connecting Point of Park Cities (CPPC), an adult habilitation center for people with disabilities, a community garden that supplies fresh produce to some of Dallas’ poorest residents through North Dallas Shared Ministries and a dog park that is open to the community.


Sermons can be heard on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. on WRR (101.1 FM).  Visit the church website at  Or, best of all, come visit the church.  All are welcome!










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