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Dr. Chisolm Delivers Sermon "Are You Dead Yet?"

Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a congregation that comes together each week to reaffirm their spiritual life, their love for Christ and their love for each other and their community.


This was the second Sunday in the “Summer of Surprises,”— a series of sermons and settings created by Central’s Senior Co-Pastor, Dr. Debbie Chisolm.  Inspiring and revealing, the sermons are delivered with a “twist” that you probably were not expecting.


The surprise is the unexpected.


Last Sunday, artists created beautiful paintings as Dr. Chisolm delivered “The Divine Artist.”


This Sunday, who would have thought when they left for church that they would be attending a celebratory funeral? A service to embrace the life cycles we all experience and to help us understand that some things in our life will occur because we must let other things in our life die—to enjoy the next beautiful life stage.


Standing next to a casket, Dr. Chisolm began “Are You Dead Yet?”— a powerful sermon about the stages of our lives.


“Brothers and sisters, we need to die because death brings freedom. We need to die because death brings life,” she said.


Death is required for new life to begin. At every stage of life something has to die. But with each stage something new is born.


 The sermon, inspiring and revealing, was accompanied by beautiful music often associated with funeral and memorial services.


Funeral directors from Sparkman Hillcrest Funeral Home were on hand to help create an atmosphere of reverence during the delivery of the sermon.


As friends and family often gather to mark a special occasion by sharing a meal, Central members traditionally celebrate with food and fellowship following Sunday worship.  .


After church this past Sunday, members and guests enjoyed a typical summer-time meal. Hot dogs were grilled outdoors and fellowship hall was filled with bowls of potato salad, casseroles of baked beans, and platters of sliced watermelon. Peach and berry cobblers, Texas sheet cake and ice cream topped the dessert table. It was a sort of down-home, family style gathering, similar to one you might attend to celebrate a birth or even a funeral repast. And of sorts, it was!


When was the last time you were surprised at church?  At Central, a summer filled with surprises awaits you. Stay after worship for food and fellowship, watch the dogs playing in the dog park or visit the meditation or vegetable garden.


Central is located at 4711 Westside Dr. just off Mockingbird Lane. You will be surprised, inspired and welcomed. Come and see! 


The sermon, “Are You Dead Yet?” will be broadcast at 9 a.m. on WRR (101.1 FM) on Sunday June29.

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