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Rustic Buttermilk and Strawberry Rhubarb tarts from Pie Flutin'

In my constant quest to find the best Dallas has to offer, I had the pleasure of spending an afternoon in the kitchen with Lindsey Crabbe, co-owner of the mom and daughter home business, Pie Flutin’ Pastries.  

I watched and Lindsey and I chatted while she made some of the most mouthwatering pies that I have ever eaten. 

Charged with energy, this talented wife and mother of two, divides her work schedule between a corporate position and her home-based pie business.  In her “free” time, Lindsey runs, blogs and enjoys the family’s two rescue dogs. 

Lindsey and her mother Gayle started the pie business in 2012 and the pies they make not only reflect down-home goodness but down-home values.  

“Preparing food is a time of fellowship and togetherness,” Lindsey said, explaining that she comes from a close-knit family that loves cooking and that sees cooking together as an expression of love for one another. 

If you’ve not tasted love— bite into one of Lindsey’s Buttermilk Tarts.  The buttermilk filling is one of her favorites, and one that she has worked with, changed and perfected over the years.  The result is a classic, old-fashioned Southern pie filled with rich, creamy goodness.  

A second pie that I had the opportunity to watch Lindsey make was a Strawberry Rhubarb pie.  

I admitted that I had never made a Strawberry Rhubarb pie and was not sure that I had ever eaten one, although aware of its popularity. 

“My family is from Canada and my mother grew up with lots of rhubarb. The strawberry rhubarb is a family recipe and my best seller,” Lindsey said. “I learned to make it from my mother.” 

This incredible sweet-tart pie is a much in-demand pie for wedding receptions. Lindsey’s pies are often enjoyed at Dallas weddings.  She also does a huge catering business during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.  A long-time common friend describes Lindsey’s Bourbon Pecan pie as the best that she has ever tasted. 

Part of the unique appeal of Lindsey’s pies is the melt-in-your-mouth pie crust.  

“I use butter in my dough and I think that is responsible for the rich flavor,” Lindsey said. “Plus it is a 'forgiving dough' making it easy to work with.” 

Unlike many fruit pies, Lindsey’s fillings are a creamy consistency.  She explained that she makes a Dutch Style pie. 

“Nana (my paternal grandmother) was Swedish and used cream in her fruit pies,” Lindsey said.  

How did you come up with the name Pie Flutin’? I asked.  

When I started the business I was so excited and I wanted a name that was really catchy. 

“I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I was thinking about “highfalutin” and it just came to me, “Pie Flutin,’” Lindsey recalls.  I awakened my husband, Wes, at 2 a.m. and told him that I had a name for the pie business. 

“I don’t get it,” Wes said. 

“I thought I was going to die when he said that,” she recalls. But Lindsey went on and named her business Pie Flutin’ and it is a perfect name for her perfect pies. 

In spite of Wes’ not “getting” the name of the company, he was still appointed CTO (Chief Tasting Officer) for Pie Flutin’.  One of his favorites is roll-ups, the scrap dough that Lindsey rolls into a small rounds and fills with butter, cinnamon and sugar. While the roll-ups are baking the entire house is filled with the aroma of cinnamon.  

Some tips that Lindsey shared with me is keeping the dough cold.  If you are making a pie, the fluted edge is less likely to fold over in the oven if it begins cooking at a very cold temperature.  And Mexican vanilla!  “My mom swears by Mexican vanilla,” Lindsey said.  

If you purchase a pie from Pie Flutin’ it will come to you in a glass pie pan, just like home-made. 

Lindsey says she loves the little tarts because of their rustic appeal and that they can be eaten by hand, with no need of fork and plate. She makes them in several sizes to accommodate individual parties. 

To place an order for a delicious pie or tart visit Pie Flutin’ Pastries.   

If you would like to bake a pie at home, try Lindsey’s favorite; the delicious Buttermilk Pie. 

Buttermilk Pie 

1 Pie Shell

3 eggs

1 1/2 cup sugar

1 cup buttermilk

1/2 cup melted salted butter (do not let it get oily)

1 tsp vanilla 

2 tbsp flour 

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Whisk together eggs and sugar. Pour in buttermilk and butter alternating between the two. Whisk together. Add in vanilla and flour. Stir together. 

Pour into pie shell and bake for 55 minutes or until pie has set.  

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